Notice of Intent – Application to RIDE for 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant


January 2024 – The RI Department of Education has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the federal 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CLC) grant. The Newport Family and Child Opportunity Zone (NFCOZ), a division of East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP), submits this Community Notice of our Intent to Apply, in partnership with Newport Public Schools. Funding will be requested by the NFCOZ for the Pell Elementary School.

The 21st Century Community Learning Center Program (CLC) has been well established in Newport for over 20 years at the elementary and secondary levels under the leadership and management of the NFCOZ at the elementary level and Newport Community School at the middle and high school levels. The CLC programs in Newport are high performing, providing high quality out of school time programs to students and families. Programs work collaboratively with the community to connect families with beneficial resources.

At the Pell Elementary School, the CLC managed by the NFCOZ provides high-quality and integrated out of school time (OST) programs – before/after school, during school vacation weeks, and in the summer – for early learners in kindergarten through grade 4. Activities are designed to meet the unique needs of multi-lingual and differently-abled learners and extend learning beyond the traditional 180 day school year. Social and emotional learning is an integral part of daily programming along with literacy and math skills. The CLC at the Pell Elementary School will continue to be integrated into the schools’ Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework with school-wide and targeted services, and provide a seamless transition to and from school. In before/after school programs, students are able to access programs that build upon their school day and provide extended learning opportunities. During school vacation weeks, the CLC provides a camp-like environment where students participate in fun learning activities onsite at school and in the community. In the summer, the CLC coordinates the Summer Learning Academy where struggling learners work on literacy and math skills in an academic and camp setting to help them to avoid summer learning loss. Consistent across all OST opportunities are hands-on, high interest programs that allow students to develop 21st Century learner qualities that help them to be successful in school. Programs allow opportunities to work on academic skills, participate in enrichment programs, develop leadership qualities, make friends, and feel connected to school. The NFCOZ follows the Rhode Island After School Program Quality Standards and the Bright Stars Quality Rating System which encourages and supports youth voice, choice, and opportunities for students to reflect and showcase their work and ensures program quality.

There are many ways for the community to get involved in the work of the CLC program at the Pell Elementary School through active partnerships and the delivery of high quality programs. The NFCOZ welcomes and encourages new partners to the initiative. The CLC applications and any waiver request will be available for public review after they have been submitted.

For more information and to get involved, please contact Christine Arouth, NFCOZ Director, at


The RIBridges system, used for determining public assistance eligibility, is temporarily unavailable due to a cyberattack and data breach of the State’s system. Those directly impacted will receive a letter from the State of Rhode Island. Learn how to protect yourself now and stay informed by visiting the State’s website: .