Community Health Team

EBCAP’s Community Health Team (CHT) brings valued perspective to patient care serving as intermediaries between health services, social services, and the community. Working alongside healthcare teams, Community Health Workers (CHWs) facilitate access to vital medical, behavioral health, and social support services for patients with high-risk, complex needs. They navigate challenging health and social service systems, deliver education, and collaborate with community partners to improve health outcomes.

People We Serve

Services are provided to established EBCAP patients with complex medical/behavioral health needs. Referrals to CHT’s Community Health Workers are facilitated by the patient’s healthcare provider.

The Community Health Team also serves members of the community. All CHT staff members are trained health insurance assisters guiding community members in health insurance enrollment through HealthSource RI and the Department of Human Services’ Affordable Care Act Medicaid program.

Key Features

EBCAP’s Community Health Team provides the following services:

  • Basic Needs Assistance – connecting patients to RI’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), health insurance providers, transportation services, community resources, and EBCAP resources.
  • Patient Liaison- coordinating patient care with EBCAP medical, behavioral health, and social services staff.
  • Victims of Crime – assisting EBCAP medical, dental, and behavioral health patients with resources as survivors/victims of crime. 

Location(s) of the Program


Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday: 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

Appointments outside these hours are available as needed

To Schedule Appointments

  • Established patients may request a referral for a Community Health Worker from their primary care provider.
  • Community members in need of health insurance enrollment assistance can call:

               Newport: 401-847-7821 ext.1197

               Riverside: 401-437-1000 ext.1087



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The RIBridges system, used for determining public assistance eligibility, is temporarily unavailable due to a cyberattack and data breach of the State’s system. Those directly impacted will receive a letter from the State of Rhode Island. Learn how to protect yourself now and stay informed by visiting the State’s website: .