Healthy Families America

Healthy Families America

Healthy Families America (HFA) is a national evidence-based maternal family visiting program that provides free, voluntary, and confidential services. This program pairs expectant mothers or families with newborns to a family visitor who provides visiting services to the family and their child until the child’s fifth birthday.

HFA promotes growth and development in children and works in partnership with families to build upon family strengths, improve protective factors, and increase parents’ knowledge of their children’s development.

People We Serve

HFA assists expectant mothers and families with newborns up to 5 years of age. HFA promotes and strengthens positive parent-child relationships and provides parents and children the support they need to be successful. Family visitors also assist families access community resources and support.

Key Features

HFA assigns a family visitor to each family. Visitors work to:

  • Establish a trusting, constant relationship with families by offering encouragement and emotional support
  • Help expectant mothers and families access community resources
  • Create safe environments for the whole family
  • Educate families about their children’s development by using an evidence-based curriculum called Growing Great Kids. This curriculum fosters nurturing parent-child relationships and encourages brain development and stimulation through play.

Location(s) of the Program

Hours of Operation

Family visits are provided at times that are mutually agreed upon by the family and the family visitor.

How to Enroll

If interested, please contact East Bay Community Action Program at 401-437-1000, ext. 1535 or 401-847-7821, ext. 1535. Written referrals also may be sent to a secured fax at 401-753-6650.

Click Here For Referral Form

Meet our Family Visitors

Click here to learn about our Family Visitors.


The RIBridges system, used for determining public assistance eligibility, is temporarily unavailable due to a cyberattack and data breach of the State’s system. Those directly impacted will receive a letter from the State of Rhode Island. Learn how to protect yourself now and stay informed by visiting the State’s website: .