Social Services and Family Centers

EBCAP operates three (3) Family Centers that provide access to a wide array of support services. A Family Advocate partners with individuals and families to complete a comprehensive assessment with the goal of helping clients achieve self-sufficiency. The holistic assessment helps each individual/family identify their strengths, needs, and goals as well as access vital community resources.

People We Serve

EBCAP’s Social Services and Family Centers are available to residents of Rhode Island’s East Bay communities including East Providence, Barrington, Warren, Bristol, Little Compton, Tiverton, Portsmouth, Middletown, Newport, and Jamestown.

Key Features

Family Centers provide individuals and families access to the following services:

  • Social Services/Safety Net Services
  • Home Heating and Energy Assistance 
  • Basic Human Needs Assistance 
  • Referrals for Senior Services and Head Start Enrollment 
  • Application Assistance (SNAP, WIC, Housing Applications)

Location(s) of the Program

Hours of Operation

East Providence:

  • Walk-in Hours – Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 P.M.


  • Advocates are ready to assist with Social Services. Please call 401-847-7821, ext. 1534, before your visit for the most updated hours.


  • Advocates are ready to assist with Social Services. Please call 401-625-5134, ext. 2306, before your visit for the most updated hours

For more information about the programs we offer or to speak to an advocate, please call:

  • Newport: 401-847-7821, ext. 1534
  • East Providence: 401-437-1000, ext. 6604
  • Tiverton: 401-625-5134, ext. 2306

How You Can Help

Donations are greatly appreciated and can be made online (type “Social Services” in Comments Box) or by mailing a check to : East Bay Community Action Program, Attn: Finance Dept., 19 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840. Make checks payable to East Bay Community Action Program with “Social Services/Family Center” noted on the memo line.

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The RIBridges system, used for determining public assistance eligibility, is temporarily unavailable due to a cyberattack and data breach of the State’s system. Those directly impacted will receive a letter from the State of Rhode Island. Learn how to protect yourself now and stay informed by visiting the State’s website: .